Is it true that opposites attract?

At some point in your life, you have heard someone say that opposites are attracted, and perhaps you have thought about it: after all, is that really true and that in terms of love relationships, people who don't have much in common tend to work out?

Just to give you an idea, 80% of people really believe this logic is true and make sense, but contrary to that belief, we tend to be who we look like, you know?

In the end, we ended up being attracted even to people with whom we share common characteristics, and what proved this was a research conducted on the subject. According to the survey, in physical terms, we like those who have traits similar to what our parents had when we were born - anything goes here: from eye color to hair type.

The reason? Apparently, the figure of our parents or the people who gave us love and care in the early stages of life ends up in our memory and gives us good feelings.


When you look like us, however, you come to believe that you are more trustworthy, so what opposites attract is more romantic comedy than real life.

Our instincts are so well trained that we can feel when someone shares genetic similarities with us - it has been proven that we marry people with whom we have twice as much genetic similarity. Apparently this is also true when choosing our closest friends.

The truth is, we like to relate to people we look like, and that goes for attributes beyond appearance. What we really enjoy is being around people who have values ​​similar to ours and who act similarly to ours as well. It is with these individuals that we spend the most time together, can notice.

And there is more!

Recent research, which sought to gauge people's behavior online, found that, once again, they eventually connect with those who think and speak alike - when the similarities are really high, then it often turns out to be romance.

When couples form, similarities increase as they tend to align their behavior over time with their partner over time. So if you are looking for someone to call big guy, know that it is not a good tactic to go after your opposite then.