10 tips for those who want to stop eating sugar but can't

In terms of diet, few ingredients are as harmful as sugar, whose excessive consumption can trigger the onset of numerous diseases, such as diabetes. Stopping sugar consumption, or at least reducing it, is critical, but extremely difficult to do, as it is also an addictive substance. If you want to put this addiction aside, the following tips can help - and a lot:

1 - Educate Yourself!

To eat less sugar, make sure that you know well how it works in your body and what its consumption represents. Being aware of danger is a good way to change habits. To stop consuming sugar only brings benefits, huh! And if you are still not convinced, we recommend you watch the wonderful documentary “Far Beyond Weight”.

2 - Realize that there are other names for sugar.

Corn syrup, sugar cane syrup, molasses, agave, rice syrup, maple syrup, sucrose and other ingredients ending in "ose". If a product has more than one of these names, think carefully before consuming it.

3 - There is sugar in what you drink too

Both alcoholic beverages and soft drinks and canister juices are full of sugar. Give more water to your life, avoid sodas, and if the idea is to drink juice, bet on fresh, natural options made without sugar or sweeteners.

4 - Prefer products without added sugar

Which is not to say you can eat them by the pounds. When something has no added sugar, it does not mean it is unsweetened, after all this item is naturally present in several ingredients.

5 - Don't go to the market when you're hungry

After eating, you will hardly behave impulsively when filling the cart. If the idea is to re-educate the whole family, avoid taking children to grocery stores - they don't have the critical ability yet to resist colorful cartoon and packaging products.

6 - Has sugar in nature

We are not saying that never again in life should you eat anything sweet. In fact, we all feel like tasting a sweetie every once in a while. The tip here is to prefer natural sweets such as fruits - you can scowl if you want, but fruits are great at indulging our ghana for sweet things.

7 - Don't fall for dried and canned fruits

Ideally, the fruit in its natural form, as the dehydrated and canned versions may have added sugar, concentrated juice, syrups and preservatives. Run away

8 - It's time for you to start liking seeds

Seeds are friends, you can trust. The urge to eat sugar can be resolved if you chew fennel seeds, which are naturally sweetened. What's more, they are known to decrease abdominal bloating and suppress your appetite.

9 - Fool your taste buds

One way to fool your taste buds is to bet on teas that have at least one of the following ingredients: mint, ginger, cinnamon or masala chai. These are elements that can hit your brain and convey the message that you wallowed in sugar. Detail: No sweetening your tea, huh, but if the urge is uncontrollable, prefer a small spoon of honey.

10 - If you just CAN'T stop eating that sweetie

If even with all these tips you feel like you can't give up after-lunch chocolate, for example, cut the usual amount in half. Still in the case of chocolate, prefer the bittersweet version and high percentage of cocoa. Add to your sweet of the day some healthy and nutritious elements such as nuts and fruits.

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