10 ghosts who “wanted” to appear in photographs

1. The Amityville Ghost

Few people know, but Amityville movies were based on actual events about a supposedly haunted house. In this 1976 photo, taken at the residence that gave rise to the legend, you can see the image of a boy, whom many believe to be John Defeo. He was nine years old and was murdered on the spot.

2. The Ghost Guarding the Treasure

Hotel Decebal, in the town of Bacau, Romania, is full of wild stories. Supposedly there is a treasure buried under the site, which is "protected" by the ghost of a priestess. In this photo from 2008, you can see a figure that many swear to be of the deceased.

3. The palace ghost

Hampton Court Castle in England also has many ghost legends living inside. In this image, made by an internal security circuit, it is possible to see what would be one of these “guests” closing a window. When the guards arrived in the room, nothing was found.

4. The ghost in the sanatorium

Rumor has it that a nurse at Waverly Hills Sanatorium in the US killed herself after she became pregnant with her owner. To make matters worse, she still contracted tuberculosis. She hanged herself with a string of light, but appears to have been captured in this photograph.

5. The praying ghost

Coventry Freeman from England met in 1985 for a dinner. During the prayer, the image below was taken and captured a monk-robed figure right in the center of the photo that was not there at the time the record was made.

6. The ghost who likes tea

The Curiositeaz Vintage teahouse in Scotland recorded the image below in 2012 through an internal security circuit. You can see a picture that looks like a ghost. To make matters worse, site owners and even staff report that they have seen sinister things and heard voices shortly before this incident.

7. The Farm Ghost

Designer Neil Sandbach captured the image of a supposed ghost on Tewin Bury farm in England. After that, he discovered that the owners of the place had repeatedly seen the figure of a boy dressed in white.

8. The ghost on the stairs

The photo below was taken by Reverend Ralph Hardy of Canada in 1966. He says he wanted to register the beautiful spiral staircase of England's National Maritime Museum and was startled to reveal the film and find out what it looks like. specter of a woman climbing the steps.

9. The Pub Ghost

A security video from Pub Wolfe in England recorded a strange ball of light appearing from the ceiling, takes the form of a human face, and soon after returns to the same place that arrived. Neighbors of the building say that the place was once a funeral home!

10. The Praying Ghost [2]

In 1975, Diane and Peter Berthelot visited a church in Norfolk, England, and recorded the image of what appears to be a white figure sitting on one of the pews. After seeing the picture, they returned to the scene and found that a ghost called Woman in White is often seen there.


Do you like this kind of supposedly paranormal images? Then check out other lists where Mega has already broached the subject. First we publish 20 ghost photos and then another 10 - apparently some souls love a flash!

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