10 fascinating and random facts related to the world population

1 - According to estimates, in the year 1000 of the Christian Era, the world population was approximately 400 million people. Still according to the calculations, we passed the 1 billion people mark in the world in 1804, and the 3 billion in 1960.

2 - By the way, the world population surpassed 6 billion inhabitants just 4 decades later, in 1999 and, in 2011, the number surpassed 7 billion. Currently, the number of people on the planet exceeds 7.6 billion.

World population

(ESL Made Easy)

3 - Of these people, more than half, 52%, are 30 years old or younger, and the world average is 30.4 years old. About 1.8 billion inhabitants have between 10 and 24 years of life.

4 - Every day the births of more than 350, 000 babies on the planet are recorded - equivalent to more than four new children coming to the world every second!

Many people on the planet

(The Huffington Post)

On the other hand, according to statistics, fewer than two people die every second in the world - which means that, mathematically speaking, the world's population is increasing at a rate of more than 2 individuals per second every day.

6 - But despite the grief - and the sheer amount of people living on the planet and the graphical representations you can see below - if we put all the inhabitants of the world side by side, they would all occupy an area of ​​about 1., 3 thousand square kilometers.

Crowded world

However, even if everyone occupies little space, that does not mean that the earth can hold an infinite population! (Aditya Library)

7 - Going back in time, it is estimated that in the 14th century the Black Death killed approximately 200 million people - or almost the equivalent of the entire population of Brazil!

8 - The 10 countries with the largest population on the planet are: China, with 1.4 billion inhabitants, India, with 1.3 billion, the US, with 326.7 million, Indonesia, with 266.7 million., Brazil with 210.8 million, Pakistan with 200.8 million, Nigeria with 195.8 million, Bangladesh with 166.3 million, Russia with 143.9 million and Mexico with 130.7 million inhabitants.

Planet population

(Comic Vine)

Speaking of India, today it is the country with the largest slave population in the world, with over 14 million people living in this condition.

10 - Indonesia has the largest Islamic population on the planet. And did you know that the most common male first name in the world is "Mohammed" (or some variation of it), and the feminine, "Maria"?


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