10 Nutrition Myths We Believe

When we enter a market, whether small or large, we come across a multitude of foods of different kinds. There are thousands of items and you have to decide which one to take home, the best product for your health and your family, prefer the one that does well and not what is bad ... This is no easy task!

How to make these choices then? Usually by the information that comes to us. And they are everywhere: on websites, magazines, newspapers, television, radio ... It's so much "eat this, don't eat that, do it that way, don't do it" that we are even lost. And is all this true? Check out some nutrition myths we believe in.

01 - Needing some foods means you lack some specific nutrients in your diet

Are you crazy about chocolate? Do you really need to eat rice? Can't you see a piece of cheese in front of you? Calmly, unlike what you may have heard, there is no shortage of nutrients in your diet. Well, at least that's not a factor that could identify the lack of something in your body.

Perhaps the craving for some food has more to do with the emotional side than the physical side. However, there is one exception: if you are lacking in iron, you may have cravings, but not really nourishing things, but strange things like clay or ice cubes. This is a disorder known as pagophagia.

02 - Gluten Free Diet May Improve Health

Increasingly, we hear about gluten-free diets. They are intended exclusively for people with celiac disease and gluten intolerance, but they are increasingly in evidence and being used even by those who do not need it. However, there is little (almost no) evidence that avoiding gluten is good for the general population.

People with celiac disease cannot digest gluten - a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. If they consume gluten, their small intestines become damaged, which makes it difficult for them to absorb nutrients, causing fatigue and abdominal discomfort. By stopping consuming it, they feel good and have more energy. However, if you do not have this problem, taking gluten from your diet will not bring good results.

03 - Avoid whole milk because of fat

The idea that milk fat is bad and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease arose in the 1950s and caused the dairy industry to switch from whole milk to nonfat dairy products such as cheese, butter or ice cream. But, according to research, dairy fat is not bad for your heart or your weight. On the contrary.

Fat milk has been linked in diets for people with cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. In addition, obese people who struggle with weight are recommended to drink whole milk and children who are fed milk are less likely to become obese. in adulthood.

The benefits lie in complex whole milk fats, which include over 400 different fatty acids mixed with a large amount of protein, calcium and other nutrients. In addition, scientists suspect milk may contain an unnamed substance that alters metabolism, burning fat and turning it into energy rather than storing it.

04 - The chicken skin should be removed

Do you only eat skinless chicken, whatever the part (chest, thigh, wing ...)? Many people do not eat simply because they do not like the taste, but some people find that there is an immense amount of fat in the skin that can be harmful. Then it's time to start rethinking your concept.

Every 350 grams of skinned chicken breast, you have only 50 extra calories and 2.5 grams of fat. 55% of this monounsaturated fat is good for the heart. But consume preferably without being fried. In fact, the skin plays an important role in cooking and ensures an always tender and juicy flesh.

05 - Fibers are always good

They are easily found in many of the foods we eat: fruits, vegetables, whole grains and pulses. Fiber is a great help against constipation, reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease, and helps you maintain your ideal weight by preventing obesity and other related diseases.

But there are those fiber-enriched foods like white bread, yogurt, ice cream and now even soda. These fibers are chemically synthesized and do not do as well as they are natural. They are not effective in encouraging bowel movement and have little impact on blood sugar.

If these fibers are consumed in excess, they can cause gas and flatulence. So if you want to enjoy the benefits that (the real) fibers bring to life, then consume them in the form of natural foods. These will help you in everything you need without causing damage to the body.

06 - Sea salt is healthier than table salt (refined)

You can use it because of its taste in food, colors (black, pink, gray, red) and texture, but sea salt is no better than table salt. They are obtained differently, but both have the same sodium content (575 milligrams per teaspoon) and can develop high blood pressure in the same proportion.

If you decide to decrease the amount of salt, you can find sea salt minerals in other common foods such as nuts, legumes, dairy products and some fruits and vegetables, while refined salt iodine can also be found in fish, dairy products, soy sauce and eggs.

07 - Eating carrots improves eyesight

Who, as a child, did not hear her mother say that eating carrots is good for eyesight? Many of them even increased and said that some children gained night vision after eating the food. That was enough to eat all the carrot on our plate.

Although carrots are rich in beta carotene, a component of vitamin A, they have no direct effect on vision. And the rumor of night vision arose during World War II, when the British government attributed its pilots' night flying capability to carrot ingestion, when in fact they were employing a new type of radar.

08 - Corn Fructose is Worse Than Sugar

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) tops the list of foods that are true villains. It emerged as a great alternative to sugar, but as it appeared in sodas, breads and fattening foods, it went from good guy to bad guy in the blink of an eye. Is he guilty or innocent of people's obesity?

The substances that make up HFCS are very similar to refined sugar. Sugar is made up of 50% fructose and 50% glucose, while HFCS has 55% fructose, 42% glucose and 3% saccharides. Regarding the number of calories, HFCS and sugar tie. If consumed in excess, any sweetener can lead to weight gain, liver disease, insulin resistance, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

09 - Potato nutrients are all in the shell

Difficult for those who like to eat potato peel (although it is, yes, edible). So some people, to stimulate the consumption of what's discarded, say that the nutrients in the food are all in the shell. Although it is nutritious, only 20% of the nutrition found in whole foods is in the shell.

In addition, the meat of an average potato contains vitamins C, K and B6, as well as a good dose of niacin and thiamine, not to mention magnesium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, zinc, riboflavin and folic acid, all for less than 150. Calories.

10 - Fat Free Foods Are Best For People Who Want To Lose Weight

If you're on a diet, you've probably filled your kitchen cabinet with fat-free salad dressing, light mayonnaise, low-fat biscuits, and those little things. I am sorry to inform you, but your exchanges may not have much effect on your balance run. On the contrary, they may be deceiving you.

All because the famous "fat-free" cheats, and to fill the lack of fat, they fill the food with sugar - too much sugar, by the way. And what is sugar in nutrition if not more fat? But they need to get better, so they get this extra dose of sucrose (or you won't be able to swallow).

Also, eating the “mini” and “light” version of the food can make you consume more fat. For example, Dunkin 'Donuts Blueberry Muffin has 460 calories, 44 grams of sugar and 450 milligrams of sodium. The reduced fat version has 410 calories, 40 grams of sugar and 620 milligrams of sodium. Then you end up thinking, “Oh, he's light, I'll eat two!” And that's it. The damage is done.


That is, if you want to take care of food, start by researching to see if that tip is really true. It may be that you are being tricked and do not know. In fact, a consultation with a nutritionist is the most recommended thing to do. He can answer your questions and tell you what is healthiest for you.