10 must-see tricks for those with a cleaning craze

Even if you're not a real cleaning freak, the truth is, it's never too much to know a few tricks that make your life easier when it comes to eliminating unwanted dirt or persistent stains.

After all, who doesn't want to wear clean headsets, watch their sneakers turn white again, fix burnt pans, or figure out how to get rid of incriminating lipstick marks? Because we here at Mega Curious have gathered these and other cleaning tips in the following list. Check out:

1 - Underarm Stains

Do you know those nasty and persistent stains that appear on the underarms of shirts and shirts? To get rid of them, mix one tablespoon of liquid dishwashing detergent, between 3 and 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and a couple of tablespoons of baking soda over the affected area and have a good rub.

2 - Copper objects

If you have copper objects - such as pots and ornaments - then you know that over time they will darken and become opaque. To remedy the situation, rub a halved lemon covered with salt on the surface of the object you want to shine again.

3 - Burnt pans

As careful as we are, it is inevitable to burn the pots from time to time. And when that happens, one of the first things that pops into our minds is the work we will have to let them shine again. However, there is no reason for so much suffering, as cleaning a burned pan is simpler than it seems.

Just mix a little water with a cup of vinegar and bring the pan to the heat until the mixture begins to boil. Then add two tablespoons of baking soda, discard excess water and vinegar mixture and rub well.

4 - Iron Cookware

And since we're on the subject of pans, to clean iron ones, use a soft sponge and a paste made of salt and some water. Salt acts as a natural abrasive that helps remove food debris from the surface of the pan and absorbs some of the fat without damaging the characteristics of the material. After cleaning, dry the pan over the fire and, after cooling, spread a small amount of vegetable oil to prevent it from rusting.

5 - Cutting boards

As you know, it is no use simply washing the cutting boards with soap and water to get rid of possible food scraps and germs. In the case of wooden or bamboo boards, after washing them with detergent as usual, you can spread a little salt on the surface and rub thoroughly with half a lemon, rinse well with hot water and let dry completely before to save.

To sanitize the plastic boards, you can soak them for at least an hour in a mixture of hot water and bleach. Just be careful not to stain the clothes you are wearing!

6 - Earphones

Do you sometimes get disgusted with your headphones? Because, to keep them always clean, just moisten - be careful not to soak! - a cotton swab with some isopropyl alcohol and sanitize the surface carefully.

7 - Glitter

If you - a cleaning freak - ever knocked a glass of glitter on the floor, then you know the nightmare of getting rid of the damn shiny particles, right? For, before you despair and wait for the product to spread to your soul, take a piece of modeling clay (the good old play dough) and collect the material.

8 - Lipstick Brands

Regardless of how you got a lipstick stain on your shirt collar - or any other piece of clothing - you can get rid of the incriminating signal easily. Just apply hairspray on the spot and let it act for about 10 minutes. Then, instead of rubbing, tap with a damp cloth and wash the fabric as usual.

9 - Pen Ink

Hair spray is not just for removing crime evidence from shirt collars. It can also be used to remove pen ink stains from fabrics. So apply a generous amount of spray to the area to be cleaned and then use a sponge or damp cloth to remove excess product - but do this by applying pressure to the treated area without rubbing - repeating the operation until the stain is completely gone .

10 - Shoes

Do you want to make the edges of your old sneakers white again? Put some toothpaste and a piece of steel wool - better known as Bombril - and rub the dirty parts of the shoes with ease. Optionally, you can also use an old toothbrush to do the job.

* Posted on 26/01/2015