13 crazy inventions that prove creativity has no limits

1 - This hybrid stroller for moms who want to enjoy their rides better

Alternative cart

(New Atlas)

2 - These water spray guns make any rainy day fun

Umbrella water pistol

(Oddity Mall)

3 - This ironing mug is an accident waiting to happen

Ironing Mug

(Bored Panda 1)

4 - This great pizza slice scissors

Pizza Scissors

(Amazon 1)

5 - This microphone sponge for the guys who love to drop their voice in the shower

Microphone sponge

(Amazon 2)

6 - This door that turns into a ping pong table

Ping Pong Holder

(Cool Things)

7 - This umbrella so your dog doesn't get wet on rainy days.

Canine umbrella

(Hammacher Schlemmer)

8 - These cutlery for people who do not take off from the computer

Cutlery pens

(Amazon 3)

9 - These packs to protect your snacks from the firm's dicks

Moldy Packing

(Business Insider)

10 - This edible spray paint tube for any culinary adventure to become art

Edible Spray Paint

(Fox News)

11 - These muzzles that turn your puppy into a duck

Creative muzzle

(Bored Panda 2)

12 - These drumsticks with more than one utility

Different drumsticks

(Amazon 4)

13 - These slippers for those without grass at home

Grass slippers

(Amazon 5)


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