15 mistakes so stupid that they seem to have been on purpose

1. The first public toilet dedicated to voyeurists

2. For those who enjoy climbing stairs and doing parkour at the same time

3. Climon ravages the Justice League

4. Rolled the roll

5. Undecided as a door

6. Accessibility sends kisses

7. Giant's Handrail

8. Toilet for the indiscreet

9. Straight to "Megaconstructions"

10. Indispensable shirt for when you visit the Great Wall of Egypt

11. One of the most emblematic symbols of Improviso Architecture

12. When Coke Literally Is Fanta

13. After seeing this, Vinicius de Moraes composed the song “By the light of your eyes”

14. In times of rising inflation, you go straight from the market to the morgue

15. The door of hope of the year 2016

What do you think is the stupidest mistake in the universe? Comment on the Mega Curious Forum!