15 crazy plastics that people are doing

Conventional plastic surgery has probably not attracted such attention for some time. In fact, unless you're an avid reader of any tabloid, you're unlikely to spend precious hours of your day reading about the new celebrity who made sure breasts could arrive a few seconds earlier anywhere - which is easily conquered with a few milliliters of silicone.

But what about the procedures below? An elf ear? Fat-sculpted "six pack" belly (quite a irony)? Or an intervention to ensure the integrity of your pokerface, giving advantages in the same game?

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It is true that there are cases where the justification for the relatively bizarre surgery could not be ignored. This is the case, for example, with the revolutionary technique of cultivating body parts, temporarily implanting them somewhere, and then placing them where they definitely should be (either an ear or a nose). But the surgery to get dimples would hardly figure in this group, huh?

Anyway, check out 15 plastic surgery procedures that may still surprise non-tabloid readers.

"Doctor, I want to be an elf!"

Incredible, but what could only resemble a physical disability is undeniably cultured by anchoring it in folklore. Whether your goal is to look like an elf or a Vulcan, there is a specific procedure to make your ear properly pointed. The surgery is relatively simple: part of the ear tissue is removed from the top, leaving two ends, which are then joined together.


Whether due to an umbilical hernia or extra scar tissue, some people have the so-called "external navel". Among them, there is a part that really bothers with the “out” look of your intrauterine inheritance, and for these cases, there is umbilicoplasty. It is a simple removal of extra tissue.

Eyelash Transplant

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Wandering around parties wearing fake eyelashes - so long they could be braided - can look elegant. But there is a setback: this ends up compromising the natural lashes. Eventually you may even need an eyelash transplant. But there is a drawback: As the implanted follicles come out of the hair on your head, they keep growing as such ... And yes, you will need to trim your eyelashes from time to time.

"I'm all ears"

For no reasonable structural reason, Australian performance artist Stelarc decided that he needed an ear on his forearm. The organ was cultured using rib cartilage.


Reproduction / National Geographic

Although the case of Mr. Stelarc (above) is purely “subjective, ” the fact is that the pre-lamination technique has really given its way - and in a very positive way. The procedure involves the cultivation of parts, such as noses and ears, in the body itself (in a temporary location), so that they can take the place of limbs committed in accidents, for example.

Pure “this”

Ok, this really isn't new. Some people, however, must wake up one morning with an uncontrollable urge to cut the tip of their tongue in half - perhaps because the result resembles a reptile's tongue too much. After cutting, the open parts can be either sewn or etched.

Instagram standard hands

The current format of shared media has brought a new tradition to the wedding: by winning an engagement ring, a woman needs to put a picture of her ringed hand on Instagram. Well, it turns out that it reveals very closely both imperfections and aging - which is always quite evident in the case of hands that hardly conceal age.

But there is a way to “break the spell of aging” while still ensuring good photos on social networks. It is the practice of injecting into the hands the substance known as Juvéderm (commonly used for facial filling), causing a considerable decrease in wrinkles and varied signs left over time.

Iris Implant

For those who have always complained about eye color, here's a solution (albeit quite controversial). This is not exactly an iris implant, it is true. In fact, the procedure consists of implanting silicone into the eyes. Although the inventor of the method assures that it is still possible to treat eye problems in breaking, it is true that there are reports of people who have had impaired vision after surgery.

Dimple Implant

In fact, the much admired "dimples" that emerge in some people's smiles are just muscle deformities. But that's the least thing: A lot of people would pay (and pay) good amounts to add curiously sexy detail to their faces. Just a simple incision of a competent surgeon and voila! Now you have dimples.

Implantable virility

Beard is said to be a sign of virility, being a handsome draw during the human mating dance. But if you don't have anything but the famous “slum fence, ” don't worry. Just remove a tuft of hair from the back of your neck and put it on your face.

How to deceive fate

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There are those who really take seriously what the hand lines say. In fact, so seriously that in Japan, some people pay to change the line configuration of their palms. It remains to be seen whether this is really enough to engulf fate, of course.

Extra gas for voice

A person's voice usually changes considerably over the years. Whether due to illness or aging itself, the tone of voice ends up weakening over time. The damage can be reasonably reversed by injecting stomach fat or collagen into the so-called vocal folds. If the injections are not enough, there is also the possibility of silicone implant.

An extra fold for the eyelids

For some reason, some consider the eyelids in the typical Caucasian style more beautiful. Particularly some Asians, who have undergone surgery to add an extra fold to the tissue. The procedure involves an incision made in the upper eyelids, although sutures may also be used.


So your poker faces still give their hand to particularly detailed observers? Well, this here might help. It is a botox injection in specific portions of the face, whose sole purpose is to improve the landscape face at the time of the card.

Fat Tank

The combination of laziness and vanity usually complicates things. After all, how can having the famous “six pack abs” when going to the gym is just a distant dream that fuels the feeling of guilt? Here is the solution: remove fat from various parts of the body, transfer it to the abdomen and then sculpt it into the shape of the much desired buds. Yes, there is an inevitable irony here.