17 beautiful galaxies that will make you want to travel the universe right now

1. NGC3314a & NGC3314b

Although it appears that these two galaxies are about to collide, they are tens of millions of light years apart.

Still, from the Earth, they look overlapping and are magnificent.

2. SD10 J1038 + 4849

This cluster of galaxies is phenomenal for producing a “human face”. In reality, only the "eyes" and the "nose" are actually galaxies, while the lines are the result of a gravitational lensing effect that distorts light.

Smile I'm Filming You

3. Whirlpool Galaxy

Officially called the M51a or NGC 5194m, the Whirlpool galaxy was the first to be identified as spiral and is relatively "close" to the Milky Way.

On the left, the galaxy was photographed with its visible light; on the right with infrared light

4. Pandora Set

Several clusters of galaxies make up the Pandora cluster, named for some strange phenomena, resulting from the convergence of smaller galaxy assemblies.

Cosmic beauty

5. Messier 94

This galaxy looks like a big hurricane and is surrounded by blue rings in which stars are forming.

The pressure wave at the center of the galaxy compresses the gas and dust at its ends, giving rise to the stars.

6. Triangle Galaxy

It is one of the Local Group's only spiral galaxies, which includes our Milky Way and Andromeda. In addition, it approaches our solar system at a speed of 24 km / s, but rest assured that the distance between it and us is quite huge: approximately 3 million light years.

In this image we can see a nebula located in one of the galaxy's turns

7. NGC 5793

You may not be impressed by this galaxy at first, but you need to know that it is famous for its rare maser phenomenon. Lasers emit visible light, whereas masers emit light in the microwave range.

In astronomy, masers are quite rare

8. 2MASX J16270254 + 4328340

This complex name galaxy is the result of the fusion of two other galaxies, which created a strange mist, which are actually stars far from its center.

The mist will still dissipate as the galaxy itself is dying

9. Shadowman's Galaxy

This spiral galaxy is made up of a very bright core and a large flat disk of dark dust.

She was discovered in 1912 and resembles a Mexican hat.

10. Messier 81

This spiral galaxy has a supermassive black hole at its center that is 70 million times larger than our sun.

The M81 is filled with short-lived blue stars.

11. The galaxy couple

The M60 and NGC 4647 galaxies orbit very closely and have been nicknamed "couple." This is because, normally, the gravitational force approximates the distant galaxies to each other - something that does not happen with these two.

Even so, they don't move away either, dancing together in outer space.

12. NGC 6872

This is the second largest spiral galaxy ever discovered. To top it off, she has a huge "tail" - something curious since she's in the Peacock constellation.

Another curiosity is that NGC 6872 doesn't have much hydrogen

13. NGC 6744

Astronomers believe that NGC 6744 is the spiral galaxy that most closely resembles our Milky Way.

It is located 30 million light years away from here.

14. I Zwicky 18

This is one of the strangest galaxies in the entire universe. AI Zwicky 18 shows a development of stars very similar to the beginning of time.

In addition, it features a large amount of ionized helium, leaving scientists intrigued as to why it emits so much radiation.

15. Milky Way

Our galaxy needs to be on this list, but no wonder: it is home to at least 100 billion planets and 1 trillion stars.

Did you imagine she was so giant?

16. Messier 74

This spiral galaxy is extremely beautiful and reminds of Christmas: the blue stars and the glowing red hydrogen balls resemble a garland.

Jingle Bells!

17. Sunflower Galaxy

The spirals of this galaxy have huge newly formed blue-white stars that give it a beautiful glow.

And it really resembles a sunflower, don't you think?


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