17 Times Having Snapchat Was Extremely Funny

1. That moment when with a handy camera you can change the direction of Paleontology

(Reproduction / Bored Panda)

2. The Kindest Dog On Record

He thinks he has to wait in line to get a snack.

3. The student who was intrigued by the similarity between the teacher and a highlighter

Who dressed the best?

4. The student who opened the closet door and thought, “I'm going to the bathroom wall today!”

I match the school bathroom

5. The dog who can't stand walking by the lake

Should I warn you?

6. The very moment that bad luck destroys your joy

This is amazing / I really wanna kill myself now)

7. The washing machine that made a deal with the devil

(Translation: Today was the first time I did my laundry. I didn't do well)

8. When the position in the class photo reveals your vocation for exclusion

(Translation: This literally explains my life)

9. The warm welcome you give to your knocker

(Translation: When a Jehovah's Witness Is at Your Door)

10. The instant you realize that life is not easy even for Harry Potter

Hogwarts diploma is not worth much lately

11. The person who specializes in identifying subliminal messages

There is a head on the sleeves of these t-shirts.

12. The Most Predestined Mannequin of the Whole Female Department

(Translation: Jesus be praised!)

13. When you get home from the club

(Translation: Animal Party Last Night)

14. That time when you realize that being a cat is the equivalent of being a VIP in paradise

My cat enjoying a moment Lion King on top of the bathroom cabinet

15. When the BBQ Main Course Appears Right at the Banquet Time

I almost feel guilty

16. Proof that everything in life is a matter of perspective

So nice to relax in the pool / It's a joke, I have no life)

17. You before breakfast on Monday

Don't talk to me

* Posted on 23/12/2016