18 Facts About Anne Frank's Life

1 - Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany, but moved with her family to Amsterdam in the early 1930s, when the Nazis came to power.

2 Anneslies Marie Frank was born on June 12, 1929.

3 - She and seven others remained hidden for 2 years in the secret annex to the funds of her father's commercial establishment in Amsterdam.

4 - "The Diary of Anne Frank" was written in letters to a person named Kitty.

5 - Anne Frank concentration camp was released by British soldiers weeks after her death.

6 - Margot, Anne's sister, also wrote a diary, but it was never found.

7 - Anne Frank's family could not move to the US because of immigration policies.

8 - "The Diary of Anne Frank" is banned in Lebanon for speaking well of Jews.

9 - Your father was an officer of the German army during World War I.

Anne Frank

10 - Auschwitz survivor, his father died in 1980 as a result of lung cancer.

Audrey Hepburn was invited by Anne Frank's father to play her daughter in the movie about her life. The actress declined the invitation.

12 - There is a video of Anne Frank on YouTube. The pictures show the girl leaning over the window to see a wedding.

13 - Her dream was to become an actress.

14 - The notebook she used as a diary was a gift from her father on her 13th birthday.

15 - Anne Frank's mother starved to death.

16. The officer who captured Anne Frank and his family eventually became a member of Germany's intelligence service after the end of World War II. He bought an edition of the book to find out if it had been mentioned.

17 No one knows exactly the day and cause of Anne Frank's death.

18 In 1944 she rewrote her diary and made some changes and improvements. The edit came because she learned that the government would keep materials like hers as documents of Nazi actions.