21 Amazing Facts About The Functioning Of The Human Body

1 - Your nose can recognize 50, 000 different smells;

2 - Every hour, your body releases 600, 000 particles of dead skin;

3 - Its body is formed by 7, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 atoms;

4 - All people have tiny mites living on their eyelashes;

5 - Sweat is odorless, and what makes it stinky are the bacteria present in it;

6 - Having enough body hair is a feature linked to smarter people;

7 - Ears and nose never stop growing;

8 - Your eyes can distinguish about 10 million different colors;

9 - Of the time we are awake, 10% is spent with our eyes closed when we blink;

10 - All bacteria in our body, if gathered, would weigh almost 2 kg;

11 - The human body produces one liter of mucus a day;

12 - There are over 100 different types of cancer that can affect any region of the body;

13 - 13% of your bones are made up of water;

14 - Most of the dust under your bed is actually remnants of your dead skin;

15 - Sleeping less than seven hours a night reduces a person's life expectancy;

16 - Its digestive tract is a tube that, starting at the mouth and ending at the anus, is 9m long;

To take just one step, 200 muscles are used;

18 - Your taste buds are replaced every 10 days;

19 - Fat cells have an average life of 10 years;

20 - Without the pinky, your hand would lose about 50% strength;

21 - The testicles hang between the legs to get cold, because sperm die at body temperature.

* Posted on 9/15/2017