30 Historic Famous Photos You Need To Check Out

One of the most sensational inventions of the last centuries, no doubt, was photography. Thanks to her, the possibility of recording for later on remarkable moments or everyday banal situations was greatly facilitated. While the long-awaited time machine is not sold at a bargain price on Black Friday, we can go back to the past by flipping through moldy albums or sliding our finger in our smartphone photo gallery.

To demonstrate the astonishing power of photography, we selected 30 of them in which 20th century Brazilian and international personalities appear in ways never seen before. If you do not give up knowing a little about the past, you need to check our list:

1. Nelson Mandela and Princess Diana

2. Chico Buarque, Tom Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes

3. Betty Faria and Lima Duarte during the recording of the first version of “Roque Santeiro”

4. Last Beatles performance on top of a building in 1969

5. Richard Nixon and the Robocop

6. Susan Sarandon and David Bowie

7. Shaquille O'Neal and Bill Gates

8. Aracy Balabanian in “The First Love, ” 1972 soap opera

9. Charles Chaplin and Mahatma Gandhi

10. Andy Warhol and Salvador Dalí

11. Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson

12. Pele and Sylvester Stallone

13. Susana Vieira during the recording of the soap opera “Minha doce girlfriend” in 1971

14. Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong

15. Marlene Dietrich and Edith Piaf

16. Salvador Dalí and Walt Disney

17. Ary Fontoura, Fernanda Montenegro and Fernando Torres in the play “The Woman of All of Us”

18. Brigitte Bardot and Pablo Picasso

19. Freddie Mercury and Darth Vader

20. David Bowie and Elizabeth Taylor

21. Ella Fitzgerald and Marilyn Monroe

22. Charlie Chaplin and Albert Einstein

23. Hebe Camargo, Silvio Santos, Nair Bello and Lolita Rodrigues

24. David Grohl, RuPaul and Kurt Cobain

25. The Beatles and Muhammad Ali

26. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

27. James Dean and Elizabeth Taylor

28. Yoko Ono, John Lennon and Salvador Dali

29. Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre and Che Guevara

30. Pope John Paul II and Andy Warhol

Which celebrity would you most like to take a picture with? Comment on the Mega Curious Forum!