31 insane facts about the eyes

Small and discreet, the eyes are often underestimated. We know that there are sayings that put them in a privileged position - after all, "the eyes are the windows of the soul" - but do we know these companions that allow us to see the world?

You may have wondered how many colors you can see or what tears are made of. So, if ever this kind of thing ever crossed your mind, it's time to get inside a lot of insane curiosities that will reveal that our eyes are more powerful than we can imagine.

1) Human corneas are so similar to shark corneas that animal organs have been used to replace human eyes.

2) Humans and dogs are the only beings known to look for visual evidence in the eyes of another individual. But dogs only do that to humans.

3) It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

4) Pupils dilate and can grow up to 45% when you look at someone you love.

5) All babies are born colorblind, meaning they have no ability to distinguish colors.

6) Our eyes can differentiate 500 different shades of gray.

7) 1 in 12 men is color blind.

8) Each eye has 107 million cells, and all of them are light sensitive.

9) Underneath the brown pigment, the brown eyes are blue. There is even a laser procedure that can turn brown eyes permanently blue.

10) There are people who are born with one eye of each color - this phenomenon is called heterochromia.

11) While most of our body needs some time to achieve its best performance, the eyes are ready and active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

12) Each human eye is approximately 25 millimeters in diameter and weighs about 8 grams.

13) The muscles that control the eyes are the most active in the human body.

14) Each eye has a blind spot on the back of the retina where the optic nerve is located. We do not realize this flaw in our vision because the eyes work together to cover each other's blind spot.

The eye-moving muscles are the most active in our body.

15) Did you think the tears were made only of water? Know that they contain water, minerals, fats (lipids) and mucus (glycoproteins), which explains why tears do not evaporate easily.

16) On average, eyes will see 24 million different images during their lifetime.

17) While a fingerprint has 40 unique features, the iris has 256. That is why iris scanning and recognition mechanisms are more secure than digital ones.

18) The muscle that makes us blink is the fastest in the human body. A blink lasts between 100 and 150 milliseconds and can flash 5 times in a second.

19) The eyes can process 36, 000 bits of information per hour.

20) Eyes easily recover from injury. With proper care, it takes about 48 hours to repair a corneal injury.

21) The eyes blink an average of 17 times per minute, 14, 280 times a day and 5.2 million times a year.

Scheme shows the development of the eye.

22) The eyes begin to form just two weeks after conception.

23) When we first see someone, the ideal exchange of glances lasts about 4 seconds. This time is enough to realize what is the color of the other's eyes.

24) Because the brain is responsible for processing the images we see, often a blurred or distorted image does not represent a vision problem, but some inconsistency in the visual cortex.

25) Blind people can see in their dreams as long as they are not born with this condition.

26) The eyes utilize approximately 65% ​​of brain activity, which is more than any other part of the body.

27) Images are sent to the brain upside down and upside down.

Our eyes send inverted images to the brain.

28) Human eyes are powerful, but not the most developed in nature. The boxer lobster has 4 times more color receptors than humans, some of which are capable of capturing ultraviolet rays.

29) Research has shown that during severe depression, people see less contrast, which makes colors look paler.

30) Each eyelash has a life of approximately 5 months.

31) The pirates wore eyepieces to adjust the vision between the light outside the ship and the darkness inside.