4 proofs that not wearing a bra is good for women's health

From puberty - or in some cases even before it - women start wearing bras and tops with the idea that these items promote the famous breast lift.

Today, however, it is increasingly common to see campaigns by women advocating not wearing a bra, and to talk about it, we've put together some scientific studies, released by the Bright Side, that show us that setting aside the bra can be really a good idea. Check out:

1 - In fact, such breast support does not happen

Wearing a bra does not improve breast support - on the contrary! The fact is that the constant use of this accessory ends up weakening the muscles of the breasts and, as a result, they become saggy and sagging.

Wearing a bra ends up causing the natural breast support to stop working. This is because the breasts are covered by thin elastic skin that attaches to the breast, and wearing a bra all the time ends up causing these ligaments not to work properly - basically, failing to wear a bra causes the skin's natural elasticity improve.

2 - It is proven that there is a relationship between the use of bra and the development of benign cysts

Almost 90% of women who were diagnosed with fibrosis in their breasts eventually improved greatly when they stopped wearing a bra. Importantly, we are talking about benign cysts, not lumps that indicate the presence of breast cancer.

3 - Bra straps can cause shoulder and back pain.

A survey to assess the well-being of women who stopped wearing a bra revealed that 79% of participants reported having positive experiences with shoulder and back muscle aches.

4 - Free breasts are massaged naturally, you know?

Leaving the bra aside causes the breasts to be naturally massaged throughout the day as we move. This causes muscle tension to subside and, in turn, improves the local blood circulation, which helps to prevent inflammatory cases.