5 things your parents and grandparents did differently from you

1. Ironing

The idea of ​​ironing began in Ancient Greece, when people used hot iron bars for it. The first models of iron as we know it today appeared in the 18th century, were made of cast material, had a compartment for placing coals and weighed up to 5 kg! People could also heat the appliance on the wood stove. Nowadays, you use modern, steam-dry, ceramic, egg-frying, Netflix-passing irons, writing TCCs, and so on ...


2. Store data

Do you know that naughty torrent you downloaded and want to watch on television? You probably put it on a flash drive or an external hard drive that can hold so many terabytes. In the past, the amount of data stored was much smaller and punch cards or magnetic tapes were used for this.


3. Take the baby for a walk

Many people think the baby is the prince (or princess) of the family. In the past this was not much different, so much so that the design of the first strollers, which emerged in the 18th century in the UK, mimicked real carriages! Nowadays, these objects are much more evolved, providing maximum comfort for babies and why not for parents!

baby carriage

4. Go to the beach

Today you go to the beach in a bikini of various designs and sizes - very small. The first swimsuit models appeared in the 18th century and were dressed in ruffles, pants underneath and even a cap! In the 1940s, the first bikinis appeared, and although they derived from the swimsuit, they also had parts that covered the body a lot. Over the years, they have been losing more and more of the cloth and gaining new configurations.


5. Watch movies at the cinema

Today, 3D movies dominate releases, with eye-popping special effects. However, this was not always so: although this format is very old, films from previous decades used to prioritize stories over technique. The first short films were even filmed in sequence and without cuts! The edition came only a few years after the birth of Cinema.

movie theater


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