5 facts to understand Protestantism around the world today

This October 31st, Protestantism turns 500 years old. It was in 1517 that Martin Luther preached the 95 theses on the door of the Wittenberg Castle church - or sent them to the archbishop, as historians believe - in an act that became known as the most important for the Protestant Reformation, which created a new way of living Christianity.

Begun in Germany, Protestantism today is spread around the world, generating, of course, different kinds of views. Check out 5 curiosities about this religion:

1. Represents 37% of Christians

Christians are those who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Today, there are many religions that follow these commandments, the majority being Catholic, with 50%. But Protestants already reach a large population, with 37% of Christians - far higher, for example, than the Orthodox, who represent 12%.

Today, most Protestants (87%) are outside Europe, even though the movement started in Germany. Most are in the Southern Hemisphere, especially in developing countries. Already the US, which has a very large Protestant tradition, adds 20% of all believers of this strand of Christianity.


Brazilian scenery

2. North American Scenario

In the United States, Protestants accounted for 51 percent of the entire adult population in 2007, with that rate falling to 47 percent in 2014. The United Methodist Church and the Lutheran Evangelical Church of America were the most downsized in the country. While many other religious strands have declining numbers, the number of adults who believe in Christ but do not “join” any church has increased: from 16% in 2007 to 23% in 2014.


3. In Latin America

40% of all Catholics in the world are in Latin American countries, but the Catholic Church is increasingly declining in favor of Protestant religions. An extremely important detail is that the nearly 19 percent of evangelical Protestants in Latin America are far more practiced of their religion than Catholics.

Latin America

4. Neopentecostalism

Today, the fastest growing aspect of Protestantism is the Neopentecostal Churches, that is, those that emphasize the power of the Holy Spirit. In Brazil, just call on some early morning television channel to see this new kind of faith, which has become popular throughout Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and even Asia!


5. The European Vision

In Europe, Catholic and Protestant thoughts are increasingly aligned: if the Protestant Reformation arose to show that it is not good deeds but faith that leads to the kingdom of heaven, as opposed to the Catholic Church; Today, it is increasingly common to note that both Catholics and Protestants believe both are important to divine forgiveness. In Germany, the cradle of Protestantism, only 7% of believers report attending church weekly - a similar percentage to Catholics.
