5 people who won a jackpot by finding valuable objects by chance

1. Faberge egg

In 2015, an American paid $ 14, 000 for a strange piece of decoration dropped in a flea market: an egg with pearls and a watch. He was thinking of reselling the item for a higher price, but found no buyer willing to pay - the man was considering earning so little from the artifact!

Not knowing what to do with the golden ornament, he considered melting the egg and selling the precious metal. Shortly before, however, he decided to investigate on Google and made a surprising discovery: he had purchased a Fabergé egg, one of the most coveted jewels in the world! They are Easter eggs made between 1885 and 1917 by Peter Carl Fabergé for Russian Tsars.

How the item ended up in a flea market in the middle of the US nobody knows, but the lucky one had a piece worth $ 33 million!


2. 5.5 kg gold nugget

An amateur gold and precious hunter bought state-of-the-art equipment and went to search Ballarat Beach, Australia, in 2013. When the instrument whistled that something was buried about 60 cm deep in the sand, the man did not imagine that would change life.

The guy thought it was some rusty piece of a car, but when he dug the sand out he found it to be a huge gold nugget, weighing in at about $ 300, 000 at the time!


3. Abandoned Ferrari

In the US, selling houses with everything inside is relatively common. A residence in the state of Wyoming has been closed for 10 years in search of a new owner. One man, who intended to spend a maximum of $ 300, 000 on a home, managed to buy it for $ 285, 500.

What neither he nor the broker imagined was that a sealed Ferrari 330 GT 1966, valued at $ 500, 000! That is, the guy recovered the money invested in the house and still had a nice savings.


4. Millennial Treasure

In 2009, a British farmer decided to use a metal detector to try to find a ring that his daughter had probably lost near her home. But he found something far more impactful: an 8th century treasure with 1, 500 pieces of gold and silver valued at $ 5.3 million!

Despite their luck, the items belonged to the government, given their historical importance. Even so, the guy can pocket half the value of the treasure as a reward for finding it - a pretty snort, huh?


5. Treasure in the chair

In 2006, a British couple bought a heavily deteriorated vintage chair at a flea market for just £ 5. Because she needed a makeover, the seat went straight to the attic waiting for the right moment. Both forgot about the chair and only in 2012, six years later, decided to fix it.

The 50-year-old man removed his old lining and found a bag with a brooch, a ring and a pair of earrings hidden. He decided to give it to his wife without telling exactly the origin. Only in 2016 did the two look for an appraiser who said the jewels were worth around £ 5, 000 as they were made between 1890 and 1900.
