5 Reasons Why Hypertrophy Happens Outside The Gym

1. Do intense workouts but do not annihilate your muscles

Contrary to popular belief, pain - during or after weight training - is not a reliable sign of progress. There is a very thin line between increasing the load and detonating your body to the point of impairing your ability to recover. So if you have frequent muscle aches, be aware: your body may actually be asking for help.

2. Rest hours should be prioritized

Those who regularly practice exercises aimed at gaining lean mass know that a good night's sleep must be seen as a priority to achieve satisfactory results. Sleeping at least 8 hours a day is essential for building muscle and keeping the body's organic and neurological functions in full swing. Sleeping nights not only hinder muscle fiber recovery but also have a direct effect on workout performance.

3. It is essential to eat well before training

If people who invest large amounts of money in post-workout supplementation devote the same attention to the meal they eat before going to the gym, the desired results would surely happen much faster. The goal of the pre-workout meal is to provide the body with enough energy to withstand the huge caloric loss that happens during the workout. Therefore, to ensure good performance at this time, eat high-quality protein-rich foods and complex carbohydrates at least 1.5 hours before training.

4. Avoid stressing over little things

It may seem strange, but emotional health is closely linked to muscle mass gain results. Obviously, some stressful situations are impossible to avoid; but we need to manage tension when we can control it. In short, not warming the head is good for both soul and body.

5. No body grows by eating only sweet potatoes and grilled chicken.

It is misleading to think that it is enough to eat protein sources such as grilled chicken and low glycemic carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes to achieve hypertrophy. Quite the contrary: Gaining lean mass also depends on eating other types of foods such as fruits, vegetables, good fats. Therefore, do not focus your diet on just one nutritional group; Think of your diet as a whole made up of small parts.