6 Unquestionable Reasons Why You Make Your Bed Before Leaving Home

Are you the ones who wake up late and don't have time to make your bed before leaving home? Or do you think this is a waste of time as you will use it again at night and the work will be in vain?

Be aware that there are very good reasons to start practicing every morning. And there are some people who do that and explain the reasons. One such person is Admiral William H. McRaven - "just" the guy who led the hunt for Osama bin Laden. Last year, in a lecture at the University of Texas, McRaven said that if you want to change the world, you must start with your bed.

That's why Mother Nature Network decided to encourage its readers with six great reasons for you to adopt the practice. We have listed for you:

1. Start the day off right

Making your bed will take no more than two minutes of your day and will make a big difference the rest of the time. Beginning the daily journey with the feeling of a "must" done will give you the courage to fulfill the other tasks you will face.

2. Who makes the bed is happier

Hunch.com conducted a survey of 68, 000 people and came to some very interesting conclusions. For example, 71% of people who make their beds before leaving home said they were "happy." Already 62% of those who do not have this habit consider themselves "unhappy" people.

3. Better sleeps

The National Sleep Foundation found that people who make their beds before starting their daily journeys are 19% more likely to have a more enjoyable night's sleep than those who don't make their beds. Then it becomes a vicious cycle, don't you think? Sleep well, wake up well, make the bed and sleep well again.

4. Helps improve your habits

Charles Duhigg describes in the book “The Power of Habit - Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business” that starting to make bed every day will become a habit of organization that will spread to every other sphere of your life. . This will increase your wellbeing and your productivity in a general way.

5. Reduces stress

It's a chain reaction, don't you think? Making a bed every day increases your sense of well-being and productivity, which will reduce stress. Who also states this is the author Marie Kondo in her book "The Magic of Storage". According to her, when our physical space is in order, our mental "space" is also more aligned.

6. It's hot

Is it any hotter than getting home after a tiring day and finding a tidy bed waiting for you? I find it hard, huh? The medical company Bupa has done a survey of two thousand English people on the things that make them most happy. The option of “sleeping in a tidy bed” came first, ahead of “feeling the sun on your face”, “finding money in unexpected places” and “cleaning after the shower”.


So you already know, right: from today, everyone will make the bed right before leaving home. It only takes two minutes, but it will transform your life. And if you live with your parents, they will thank you for the initiative. Then tell them that you learned this from Mega Curious - surely they will be happy to know that the internet teaches you good things.