7 crazy scientists the school didn't tell you existed

The importance of science in our daily lives is undeniable: it has been the driving wheel of technological changes in our society. Particularly in relation to the design of new drugs and treatments, it takes several years of study and testing in both animals and humans.

It is at this point that science often has its history stained by researchers who saw no boundaries to prove their point. Meet now 7 of these scientists who have done crazy experiments and the school never told you:

7. Mating Turkeys

To find out how turkeys behave during mating, biologists Martin Schein and Edgar Hale of Pennsylvania State University made an artificial model of a female turkey. Noting that males tried to mate normally, they began to remove parts of the model in order to find out what was most attractive to them. Finally, the researchers concluded that the female's head is what attracts the male.

6. The Resurrection Show

Physicist Giovanni Aldini, grandson of Luigi Galvani, the man who invented galvanization, traveled the world with his “Circus of Science”. As part of his show, he electrocuted animal carcasses, and people could swear he was bringing beings back to life.

In 1803 Aldini received the body of a hanged criminal, and during the show the corpse began to convulse, his eyes and mouths opened and the physique gained even more fame for Europe.

5. The energy of sex

Scientist Wilhelm Reich believed that sex generated a magical energy, which he called "orgone". His study was based on the belief that breathing during intercourse harmonized the body and normalized the flow of exchange with the environment.

Box to collect orgone

So he built metal boxes to collect orgone and claimed that such energy could cure cancer. In the movie “Barbarella, ” the character Dr. Durand Durand, who submits Jane Fonda to “Orgasmatron, ” would be inspired by Wilhelm.

Scene from the movie “Barbarella”

4. Dogs have no soul

Scientist Duncan MacDougall did an experiment that consisted of weighing people during life and soon after death to determine the weight of the soul. Duncan then came to the size of 21 grams.

He then tried the same experiment on dogs, but noted that they did not lose weight when they died. Thus, he concluded that dogs have no soul.

3. The two-headed dog

Scientist Charles Claude Guthrie made a two-headed dog by sewing the skull of one over the other animal's neck.

2. The mind controller

Psychologist José Delgado installed receptors on animal and human brains to test mind control, and was able to use a wireless transmitter to alter the patient's behavior and emotional state.

1. The sex change made in a baby

After a serious mistake in circumcision surgery completely removed a baby's penis, psychologist John Money was excited to use the case to prove that gender can be taught.

The boy, David Reimer, had an identical twin brother, but had sex change surgery and spent his entire childhood being raised with a girl. The experiment went wrong, and in 2004 David committed suicide.

David Reimer was raised as a girl throughout childhood

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