7 Things That Happen To Your Body When Someone Breaks Your Heart

The world would be perfect if we all just liked those who like us too, but the truth is that the world is not perfect, and if you haven't gotten a bump in the ass, you're unlikely to die without it happening. Getting one out is complicated, and you may already know or imagine that it doesn't feel good at all; What you may not know is that your body also responds to your feet. Understand better below:

1 - Your heartbeat changes

Right after the breakup or taking the one out of the person you would most like to be with around the world, the frequency with which your heart beats slows down a little.

2 - You experience stress like never before

As soon as the initial scare from your buttocks passes, your body becomes stressed, and you begin to wonder what you did wrong and keep imagining that you will be alone forever and ever. All this pressure can make your body produce more cortisol and have more inflammatory responses. In addition, your immune system, your digestion and even the quality of your sleep can all be impaired.

3 - It is very possible that you feel pain too

If all else were not enough, you may even feel physical pain. Yeah. This is because the pain of loss is processed by the same brain region that deals with physical pain, so one thing causes another.

4 - Think straight? Of course not!

After half an hour of waiting for the Pilates class to begin, you realize that classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays and today is Wednesday. What's more, you find yourself more impulsive and tend to take more actions that you may regret. This is because getting out disrupts the way our critical thinking works and directly interferes with our ability to control ourselves.

5 - You may have withdrawal attacks

In this case, it's basically stalk that person who just broke up with you or spend hours looking at a picture of you two together. Contrary to what you think, this is not because you are stupid and deserve to suffer, but because your brain is dirty and every time you see the picture of the creature, the same brain regions that activate when a user wants a drug badly are activated in your brain as well.

The good news is that brain regions that control our behavior are also triggered, and after a time of suffering, you'll already think it's time to stop following your ex on social networks and even understand that despite the suffering, you have everything to recover from in the future.

6 - Your progesterone levels tend to rise

And that is wonderful news! After a while wanting isolation, you will want to get out of the den as progesterone can motivate a person to seek social interaction.

7 - Your hair may fall out

And that happens sometime after the off-season, so maybe you are already at another when you start to realize that your hair is falling longer than usual. This is thanks to all the stress you feel - usually the biggest fall occurs three months after extreme stress, but there's nothing to worry about: your hair will grow back.

* Posted on 24/02/2016