7 Scientific Backed Gambiarras That Will Make You Sleep Effortlessly

1 - Force yourself to stay awake

It sounds paradoxical, but it makes sense: research from the University of Glasgow showed that sleepless people who bumped into a test and lay with their eyes open trying not to sleep were the ones who fell asleep earlier.

For Lisa Meltzer of the National Sleep Foundation, sleep is the only thing in life that the harder a person tries, the more likely they will fail: "Reverse psychology is not a long-term solution, but it can help, " she explains.

2 - Hide your watch

One of the worst things for someone unable to sleep is to open their eyes and come across the clock numbers, because it only increases stress levels and makes them even more difficult to sleep. When we realize that it is too late, we begin to think about how little sleep we will have, and this only makes it even more difficult to fall asleep.

Do not leave a digital clock near your bed or check your mobile phone time when you are having difficulty falling asleep.

3 - Control the temperature of your room

Making sure your room temperature is cold is a great way to get to sleep quickly. The recommendation in this sense is to keep somewhere between 15 and 19 ° C.

According to Meltzer, the key is to keep a comfortable, dark, cool room so your brain can make melatonin and your biological clock will then know it's time for bed. Melatonin is also the substance responsible for making our bodies cooler when we sleep, and usually the lowest temperature is reached between 2am and 4am.

4 - Wear socks

A Swiss study found that having warm feet and hands helps us sleep faster, as it dilates the blood vessels on the surface of the skin, increasing heat loss and getting melatonin to work earlier. If you don't like sleeping in socks, you can bet on a hot water bag too.

5 - Dip your face in ice water for 30 seconds.

If at bedtime you are too anxious, you may want to dip your face in a container filled with cold water for half a minute. This will help you sleep because by plunging your face, you will trigger an involuntary phenomenon called a “mammal diving reflex” that lowers your heart rate and blood pressure.

6 - Bet on lavender

The scent of lavender is really pleasant and, furthermore, this aroma helps us relax, lowers blood pressure and makes us feel more like sleeping. A survey conducted in 2005 found that people who smelled lavender oil for three 2-minute sessions at 10-minute intervals had better nights of sleep and woke up feeling ready the next morning.

7 - Think of your favorite place.

A good idea to fall asleep is to imagine an environment that brings calm and happiness, so that thinking about this place will distract you from other thoughts and concerns.

Oxford University research worked with a group of people who had to imagine themselves in a relaxing setting, such as a beach or a waterfall. These people slept up to 20 minutes before those who did not do the activity or were focused on counting sheep. It's worth trying.