7 spectacular images that have already been captured from the sun

Here at Mega Curioso we have brought you several stories in which we show magnificent images of the Sun. Luckily, its surface is extremely dynamic and NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) space probe never tires of giving us amazing photographs of our star., which means we always have beautiful solar news to brighten our eyes.

By the way, one of the ship's instruments clicks an incredible 57, 000 photos a day, and on January 19 recorded its millionth image, you know that? Then you can check out a selection of 7 spectacular photos that have already been captured by this prolific space probe - and tell in the comments which, in your opinion, is the most interesting:

1 - Coronal Rings

The image you just saw - with these extraordinary rings reaching far beyond the solar surface - was recorded by SDO in October last year. According to NASA, arcs are actually particles spiraling along lines of the sun's magnetic field over an active surface region, and the length of the rings is more than 15 times the size of the earth.

2 - Face of the old man

Look carefully at the picture above and notice how activity on the solar surface seems to form an old man's face. But the image also serves to allow us to see different regions of the sun. The eyes, for example, are made of warmer material than the line that forms the mouth, which is made of colder material, and the hair is made up of hair. material present in the atmosphere of the star.

3 - Bling, Bling

Notice how the sun seems to be shining much more brightly than usual in the picture? Because part of the trick is that it is made up of 25 photos taken over a whole year. In addition, the images were recorded at 10 different wavelengths and then combined to achieve the above effect.

4 - Venusian traffic

No, NASA didn't add random balls to the image you just saw. In fact, the photo shows the transit of the planet Venus before the sun that took place between June 5 and 6, 2012, and was accompanied by astronomers - professionals and amateurs - from around the world. And do you know why the opportunity to attend this event was so special? Why the next transit of Venus will only occur again in December 2117!

5 - Lunar Photobomb

Would you ever imagine that the moon could make a photobomb ? Because in the image above, captured in November last year, our satellite was positioned between the Sun and the SDO probe right at the moment of the click, and the result was this interesting photo. In fact, if you pay attention, you may see some irregularities in the lunar surface.

6 - Color Explosion

Contrary to what it may seem, in the picture above the sun is not exploding in millions of colors. The image, recorded in January of this year, is made up of a mosaic showing our star in several different wavelengths - and the result is spectacular, don't you think?

7 - Painting

What appears to be an abstract design is actually an October composition of last year showing magnetic fields produced by coronal rings. The colors, of course, are fake, and were added by NASA to make it easy to see solar activity.