8 foods that fill the stomach and help maintain the diet

1 - Baked Potato

This is an item that is usually taken from the diet of those who want to lose weight right from the start, but the truth is that it is a food component that helps people feel more satisfied and makes hunger linger after the meal. .

Potatoes are foods rich in vitamins, fiber and other nutrients, and it is best to avoid eating chips because of the same fat, but their cooked or baked versions are released - in moderation, of course.

2 eggs

Betting on eggs at breakfast time causes people to consume an average of 330 calories less throughout the day. Eggs are foods made up of complete proteins, which means they have the nine essential amino acids and cannot be produced by the human body.

When digested, these amino acids promote the release of hormones that give us the feeling of satiety. When preparing the egg, it is best to consume both the yolk and the egg whites and choose non-stick pans, so you do not need to use oil.

3 - Bean Soup

Because it has a lot of water, the soup gives us a feeling of satiety with fewer calories, and in the case of bean soups, the amount of fiber and resistant starch, which is a "good carbohydrate", is high and slows release. of sugar in the bloodstream, which provides a feeling of satiety for longer. To contribute to your diet, the ideal is to consume only soup, without bagels or toast.

4 - Greek yogurt

Consumption of dairy proteins increases the feeling of satiety and helps us lose weight faster as it keeps blood sugar balanced. Greek yogurt does not have liquid whey and therefore has twice as much protein and less sugar than regular yogurt. Here's a good choice for your snack between meals.

5 - Apple

Apples are among the few fruits that contain pectin, which is a substance that prolongs digestion and gives us the feeling of satiety longer. You can make the apple a dessert that, besides being tasty, will make your feeling of satiety last for hours.

To make sure fruit is part of your eating routine, add apple slices to your salad and also sandwiches made with whole grain bread and white cheese.

6 - Popcorn

Here's a darling food that can be a great ally in your struggle for weight loss. Popcorns are low in calories and take up a lot of stomach space, making you feel full. The secret is to prepare the beans without oil and, to give that metabolism aid, you can sprinkle pepper on popped popcorn.

7 - Figs

Fresh figs are dense foods that are high in fiber but low in calories. These fruits slow the release of blood sugar and help us feel less like pinching sweet snacks. They are a great snack option, especially if combined with nuts and / or cheese.

8 - Oats

Oats are high fiber grains that have a high capacity to absorb liquids. When you cook oatmeal in skimmed milk, your gut will be full of this food and you will feel less hungry. The good thing is that it is a food that goes well with fruits and you can use creativity when preparing so as not to get sick. Are you constipated? That's one more use of this powerful food.


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