Fun just got a lot more comfortable with the inflatable Twister

If you have a game that wins the crowd as soon as someone introduces it, this game is Twister. Fun and with a "physical exercise" tone, it requires some skill and some degree of contortion. But he also had a point against it. Had.

You probably know someone who got off his knee or grated elbow after a night of fun watering Twister, but if that was the only excuse not to joke, the excuse doesn't stick anymore. According to PopSugar, Hammacher Schlemmer & Company upgraded the board game, upgrading the famous carpet and making it a giant and inflatable board.

The inflatable board has all the traditional Twister elements, 16 points of each color - red, green, yellow and blue - aligned on a white surface and a spinning wheel that defines the limb and where it should be placed.

Source: Hammacher Schlemmer / Reproduction

If the Twister was normally made on a flat sheet, this version looks like an oversized inflatable mattress with an air blower to keep it running while playing without having to worry about emptying the board. No one will lose balance! The new Twister supports up to 1, 500 pounds.

But comfort comes at a price, and in this case the precise price is $ 2, 000, which is about 100 times the price of the average Twister. The purchase can be made on the Hammacher Schlemmer website.