The 'God Particle' would never have been discovered without Brazilians

According to Bloomberg, one of the world's greatest scientific discoveries might not have been possible without the indirect participation of a famous - and extraordinarily rich - Brazilian family. CERN scientists are very close to confirming that the particle discovered last year really is the Higgs Boson, and experiments on the Hadron Collider would not have been possible without the nallium produced by the Salles here in Brazil.

According to the publication, the Salles family - of which well-known filmmaker Walter Salles is a part - controls 85% of all niobium produced in the world. This material is used on one tenth of all steel produced on the planet, making it harder and more flexible. Niobium is used in the production of all kinds of products, from cameras to cars, as well as in the manufacture of magnets that make up the largest particle accelerator in existence.

The Salles and the Great Collider

Without the collisions between superenergetic protons that occur at CERN's Hadron Collider, the God Particle would never have been discovered. The Salles family began investing in niobium in 1965, when the material was still just a distant dream. With no market at the time, the properties of the element were known only from a few studies suggesting that small amounts of the powder could improve the alloy that makes up steel.

The technology involved in using niobium is a secret kept under lock and key, and just 200 grams of the material is enough to harden an entire ton of steel, allowing manufacturers around the world to produce stronger bridges, lighter vehicles and buildings. more solid, for example.

Today, the Brazilian Metallurgy and Mining Company is worth an estimated $ 13 billion fortune, and the combined fortune among all the businesses controlled by the Salles brothers - Pedro, João, Fernando and Walter - is estimated. US $ 27 billion.