The tragic death of Charlotte Dymond, who shocked England in the 19th century.

If one day you visit the town of Bodmin in Cornwall (England), don't be surprised to read a specific name scattered everywhere: Charlotte Dymond. It turns out that in the nineteenth century the region was the scene of a crime that turned out to be practically a legend for the inhabitants - inspiring not only historical monuments but also songs, poems and other works of art in honor of the young woman who died at 18 years old.

It all started in 1842, when Charlotte, an attractive and friendly girl, went to work on the Penhale farm, run by a widow and her son. In addition to the British, there were two other servants at the scene: John Stevens and Matthew Weeks, both in their 20s. Weeks was an eccentric figure: having worked in the field for the past 7 years, had scars on his body and was lame. Despite this, he drew attention for always dressing well and for his education.

No one knows for sure when this happened, but at some point Weeks and Charlotte started dating. The problem was that Charlotte was also relating to another individual: Thomas Prout, the farm owner's nephew, who at the time was 26 years old. Stevens, the other farm worker, once stated that the pair of lovers intended to flee, leaving poor Weeks in hand.

The day of tragedy

On a Sunday, 1844, Charlotte put on a nice green dress and a red shawl. She was last seen leaving the farm next to Weeks - who would later return alone. Asked about Charlotte, the young man stated that she would have accepted another job in neighboring Blisland. However, some details left the villagers with a flea behind their ears: the farmer's clothing was torn (with a few missing buttons) and his boots muddy.

A primary investigation - conducted by Stevens - confirmed that such a job offer was false, and Charlotte, missing a week ago, had not set foot in Blisland. A search team was assembled, and the girl's body was found in the Alan River, with a deep cut in the neck. The expedition also located nearby footprints that matched Weeks's boots perfectly. The situation seemed obvious: the servant murdered his girlfriend after discovering the betrayal.

Who killed Charlotte?

The murder shocked the community of Bodmin. Weeks was found trying to escape and was tried on August 2 of the same year - the court took about half an hour to find him guilty. The punishment was severe: execution by hanging. The young man spent 10 days in prison awaiting his death, and during this time he wrote a letter that many consider a confession for the crime. In the text, Weeks says he “hopes young men don't put as much trust in young girls” as he would have done.

On August 12, Weeks was publicly executed, and about 20, 000 people attended the act. However, information released later left some citizens in doubt: Charlotte is said to have plans to meet Prout that evening. Although the matter ended there - legally - the question still exists today: who killed Charlotte? Your boyfriend or your lover?

Whatever theory you prefer, the public commotion for the murder inspired the creation of a memorial for the young woman, as well as the birth of several local legends - including that the ghosts of the British and the hanged continue to roam the respective regions of their deaths. in an incessant pursuit of justice.


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