South Korean students exaggerate April Fools' pranks [gallery]

While Brazilians often celebrate April 1st by telling small lies, in many other parts of the world this is a day reserved for pranks. While most of them are really fun, not everyone is amused by the jokes prepared by some South Korean students.

The images that circulate on the internet show us that students really enjoy getting ready at school, but sometimes they can prepare really heavy pranks. Since this has been going on for years, the attitude of the students has led the local media to question whether young people are crossing the line.

Some jokes are easy, like taking all the desks out of the classroom - the problem is just the trouble of putting everything in place. But when you come across an entire class lying on the floor with their desks flipped over like a disaster (as in the opening image) or a series of people smashed in the courtyard simulating suicide, things start to get ugly.

Therefore, it is worth noting that the images below - even being "fake" - can impress some readers. So we recommend a little caution. After checking out the gallery, share with us what you think of the attitude of South Korean students.

1) Wallets out

Image Source: Reproduction / Kotaku

Image Source: Reproduction / Kotaku

2) Uniform in reverse

Image Source: Reproduction / Kotaku

Image Source: Reproduction / Kotaku

3) Student disappearance

Image Source: Reproduction / Kotaku

4) Everyone on the floor

Image Source: Reproduction / Kotaku

5) Simulating suicide

Image Source: Reproduction / Kotaku

In many parts of Asia, people take off their shoes before jumping off a building. So leaving the shoes on the window is part of the catch.

Image Source: Reproduction / Kotaku

Image Source: Reproduction / Kotaku

Image Source: Reproduction / Kotaku

This photo circulated like a viral a few years ago. Apparently the teacher was desperate to find a "student" hanging in the window.