Do people need to defecate every day?

Talking about physiological needs is always a subject avoided in most conversation circles, for obvious reasons, but that doesn't mean we can't clarify a few things and maybe even help you increase your "attendance, " dear reader. Answering the question we asked in the title of this text right away, no, people don't have to go to the bathroom every day to defecate.

Evacuation regularity is considered normal both three times a day and three times a week. In fact, our body is capable of storing droppings for a week or more, depending on one's body, but that's not exactly a good thing either. This is because the longer the stools are stored in the intestine, the drier they become, which makes the elimination process, which becomes much more painful and difficult.

Some people avoid answering nature's call because they are busy with some activity or have problems with the idea of ​​going to the bathroom while away from home. These practices can become so common that over time the body "unlearns" that it must evacuate regularly, causing constipation, more commonly known as constipation.

Storing the stool too long also increases the amount of gas that forms inside the bowel, making the whole process even more smelly than normal. Other harms of poor bathroom attendance can be constant abdominal discomfort, back pain, bloating and more.

Therefore, it is important to always drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, so that the excrement does not become dry, eat fiber, which helps the bowel to work better, and not to go to the bathroom when you feel like it. Exercising regularly also causes the body to acquire a more frequent bowel movement, as the movement of the muscles in the abdomen stimulates bowel activity.

Do you have any prescription for getting rid of constipation? Share your knowledge on the Curious Mega Forum