The Real Women Behind Pin-Up Illustrations

You may have already seen some amazing illustrations that show voluptuous women in their dresses posing sexy poses in scenery full of period objects. These are the famous pin-ups. These images became very popular, especially among the soldiers who were in World War II. They clipped them from newspapers and magazines and hung them on the walls, hence the name "pin-up", which in English means "to preach."

They became so popular that they became prominent even on airplanes.

But, did you know that the illustrations are based on photographs of real women? Back in the 19th century, burlesque, the kind of parody-based theatrical performance that often involved striptease, was on the rise. To promote their performances, the dancers began making cards with their photographs. The most attractive images were nailed to various theatrical spaces, attracting more admiration.

Even on cigarette packages they appeared.

These cards have become extremely popular, reaching many places in the world. So many women posed for photographers, becoming pin-ups. Some have achieved fame, such as Marilyn Monroe and Betty Garble.

Marilyn Monroe (left) and Betty Garble (right).

Meet some of the models that were eternalized as “ideal women”.