NASA astronauts reportedly spotted UFOs in space

The audio file of a video available on YouTube points to the possibility that Atlantis spacecraft astronauts spotted three unidentified flying objects in 2006. The audio even makes it clear that the team warned NASA's Houston base about what were witnessing.

“It's a structure that's definitely not rigid, doesn't look like anything I've ever seen outside the shuttle, that's for sure. Quickly she moved toward the nose of the aircraft, moving away at least 100 feet, ”says one of the officers on the radio. Audio on the subject can be viewed from 1 minute of video.

After the report, the Houston base reports that it is probably just a reflection in the lens, but astronauts are adamant that the structure they are seeing is solid. Does this mean the team was facing alien spaceships? Experts believe not.

In space, any movement needs to be monitored, as there is a growing risk that space debris could collide with buses sent from Earth. Therefore, it is very likely that what was sighted is nothing but technological junk wandering through the immensity of space.