Two-headed calf found in US farm pasture

No, you are not seeing everything bent and this is not a mirror trick, this really is a two-headed calf. The newborn animal was found dead in the Kirschbaum family pasture in the US state of Oregon and stored in the farm's freezer so that the body could be donated to a museum.

“Throughout my family history on the farm and the stories I've heard, we've never had this kind of situation before, ” said Heidi Kirschbaum, who lives there with his parents, siblings and children. She is surprised that it happened on her estate, which has only between 15 and 20 cows.

Katrina Abbott, a local veterinarian interviewed by KTVB, said the finding was quite rare and was probably caused by a genetic mutation. "These things really happen, and they are usually twins who sort of formed together, " he pointed out. The photograph of the two-headed calf served as a good subject for Heidi's 5-year-old daughter's school presentation. The mother of the pet was not damaged during lethal birth.

Worth seeing again

This is not the first time naturally born two-headed animals have appeared in the United States. In 2011, a cow in the state of Georgia also had a two-headed calf. San Antonio Zoo had a snake with the same condition and today has Thelma and Louise, a two-headed turtle.