Botox & Fill: Get to Know Celebrity's Darling Treatments

Perfect skin without blemishes or fine lines is not always the work of genetics, but the result of aesthetic procedures. It is no longer a secret that celebrities use a variety of tactics to cover up the slight imperfections of their faces and disguise the signs of age, but thanks to their popularization and refinement, you can also access them.

The famous ones undergo a series of aesthetic treatments to ensure beauty, such as plastic surgery, tooth whitening with dental products and peeling, performed by applying chemicals on the skin. However, botox and lip fill are the most commonly used treatments to make that impact in front of cameras.

Star fans

Celebrities who have tried the treatments include actress Nicole Kidman, singer Anitta, socialite Kylie Jenner and pop star Madonna. Even men are beginning to resort to such procedures, such as player David Beckham and actor Malvino Salvador - who have also made applications.

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Since the main references for using aesthetic procedures are true beauty icons, celebrities definitely influence the desire and desire of ordinary people to improve their appearance as well. That is why, since the 2000s, the demand for this type of treatment has been growing almost 20% per year!

For a beautiful result, it is not allowed to overdo it. Nicole Kidman herself has stated that she had to adjust her botox dose because she could no longer move her forehead. Singer Anitta was much criticized for the apparent change in her lips from one moment to the next. To avoid making these and other mistakes, learn more about these two popular aesthetic treatments below.

Botox avoids the signs of age

As you get older, elastic collagen fibers that help keep your skin firm will become looser. When this happens, wrinkles begin to appear and can no longer be eliminated with less invasive aesthetic treatments. It's time to consider applying botox.

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Botulinum toxin, popularly known as botox, is a substance obtained from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum . When applied to the body with a needle, botox prevents the release of acetylcholine - a neurotransmitter responsible for muscle contractions - resulting in smoothing of the marks. After a while, new nerve terminals begin to develop and gradually release the neurotransmitter again. This is why the toxin loses its effect after a period of about six months.

Although it is a safe and effective technique, not everyone can do the procedure: pregnant women, lactating women, people with autoimmune diseases, neurological disorders or muscles, those who are allergic to egg protein and who are taking aminoglycoside drugs are at risk. For other men and women, it is most important to consider whether treatment is really necessary, regardless of age group.

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The main dilemma of applying botox is to adjust the amount to maintain the natural and spontaneous expression, without looking “stretched” or “frozen”. Applying the product to the wrong areas is also a risk as you may end up with one eyebrow higher than the other, among other accidents. To correct the misconceptions, there are two possibilities: waiting for the effect to pass, as it is temporary, or trying another procedure to relax the muscle, such as electrostimulation with micro shocks.

Fill makes lips defined and full

The purpose of this procedure is to replace or add to the volume lost due to lack of fat on the face. Those who suffer from thin or disproportionate lips, the aging process, and lines formed around the lips can benefit from filling. Intervention can also be done on dark circles, cheek and nose.

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Just like botox, the important thing is not to overdo it. If the trader does not have a well-prepared hand or does not control the amount applied on each side, the result may be asymmetrical. However, you will only be able to see the final result within five to ten days after application as an inflammatory reaction is expected to occur on site.

There are a few ways to apply the filler: with hyaluronic or polylactic acid, which are substances that already exist in the body and are therefore well accepted, or with the latest novelty, autogenous fat. It is extracted from the patient's own body and grafted “alive” in the region of the lips. However, she is still “getting fat” normally, and can become exaggerated if you gain too much weight. The predicted effect of treatment is 6 to 12 months.

Fills made with PMMA, methacryl or hydrogel should not be performed as they may cause complications. In addition, the procedure is prohibited for pregnant women, people with autoimmune diseases, allergic to hyaluronic acid, in case of lip or oral cavity lesions and active lip herpes.

* Via advice.