Cachaça 51 makes guest appearance on The Big Bang Theory

The 21st episode of Big Bang Theory's sixth season featured a special Brazilian appearance: Cachaça 51, which appears in three scenes as one of the kitchen items from Penny's apartment in the April 25 episode on television. American.

In the episode trailer, we can see one of the moments when the drink package appears at eight seconds to the left of Penny in the background:

According to Folha de São Paulo, the product placement (disclosure that puts it on the scene as if it were part of the scenario) was developed by the agency 3 Apitos and the content producer Monarca Group (by Ancelmo Martini, winner of Apprentice 3).

The campaign comes two weeks after the United States recognized cachaça as a genuinely Brazilian product. Prior to that, the drink was sold under the name “Brazilian Rum”.

Cachaça 51 on the scene. Image Source : Image Source: Playback / CBS

The justification for this Cachaça 51 campaign, in addition to obviously promoting the product abroad, is also to value the brand in the country of origin: “[The idea is to end] this Brazilian mutt stigma of not appropriating what it is yours to criticize the drink itself. Abroad, 51 costs more than $ 20. It is a brand that represents Brazil abroad, ”he told Folha Paulo Pontes, a partner at 3 Apitos and one of those responsible for the campaign.

Have you noticed or heard about the promotion of other Brazilian products in American series?

Via My Series