Eight-legged dog born on small Pacific Island

A malformed puppy was born last Wednesday (28) on the Pacific Ocean Vaini of Tonga. The one-headed animal had two different bodies clearly joined by its chest.

As might be expected, the dog died just hours after birth. The other five puppies were born totally healthy. According to a local veterinarian, several factors may have influenced the mutation, such as mother's poor diet during pregnancy.

Eight-legged dog born on small Pacific Island

Eight-legged dog born on small Pacific Island

Eight-legged dog born on small Pacific Island

According to scientist Wagga Wagga, the photographs are authentic and it is possible to notice that there is also deformation on the animal's face. "The birth of malformed animals is relatively common in sheep and cattle, but is quite rare in ordinary dogs, " concluded the expert.

Via InSummary.