Scientists want to create capsules with the good effects of exercise

Columbia University, Sydney University, and Copenhagen University professors and researchers are studying the full effects of exercise on the human body. The reason behind the research is to develop capsule remedies that recreate the same benefits as physical activity.

During the test battery, it was discovered that there are over a thousand internal changes when we stimulate our muscles. Many of these changes were not known to scientists, and can now be studied further to create a chemical compound capable of reproducing the same effects.

However, do not raise high expectations that this can replace physical activity and be the dream of any sedentary. Training, running and sports make the heart beat faster, the blood flow stronger, and many other things the pill could not replicate.

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The purpose of the future compound is to help amputees, those who have suffered a stroke or who have a degenerative disease that prevents them from exercising. There are currently drugs that stimulate specific molecules, but they are not as comprehensive as the coming medicine.

Via TecMundo.