Science proposes a toast: Beer does not make the belly grow

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Forget what has been said about the "beer belly". According to some scientists from Germany, it is a myth. In a survey that lasted four years and involved nearly 20, 000 people, it was found that the chance that a person who drinks beer will have an enlarged belly is the same as that of people who do not drink.

But that does not mean that the drink does not cause weight gain. It directly interferes with the accumulation of total body fat - that is, it makes the whole body fat, not just the belly. Women who participated in the survey, for example, had fat accumulation much more often in the hip region.

As shown by Info, the survey also revealed how much beer men and women judge to be a moderate drink. For them, this represents amounts of up to 250 mL of the drink. They claim that between 500 and 1000 mL is still acceptable for a day.