Playmobil collector hits record with almost 8,000 dolls

The largest collection of Playmobil in Brazil has 7, 885 dolls, set in scenarios that bring themes from prehistory, through the Middle Ages, to the latest as spaceships, police and firefighters. The record was recognized by RankBrasil and belongs to the registrar Pedro Gabriel Paschoalotti, from Sorocaba (SP). The collection is divided into 65 categories and is distributed in a 120 m² space, in the recordist's house.

Pedro recalls that Playmobil was one of the most popular toys of his generation and that the history of his record began in 1979, when he won the first item in the line. In 2001, while shopping at a hypermarket, he saw on the shelf a dusty box of a Playmobil castle. “Good memories surfaced from childhood, so I ended up buying the toy. Since then, I started collecting, ”he reveals.

In the beginning, the paulista bought the items from the collection through the Mercado Livre website. According to Pedro, in the last five years, he has acquired directly from the Playmobil factory in Zindorf, Germany. For this, he has the help of a German friend named Vane, who lives there. Pedro also says that the collection means a childhood with great memories, not only with Playmobil, but with everything that was involved at the time, among friends, cousins, school, street games and football.

Pedro Collection occupies 120 m²

From prehistory to the present

Peter's favorite categories are those of the past, including the medieval, the Roman, and the Egyptian. “I did not experience these stories, but the dolls, the pieces and the accessories are based on studies of what it used to be, bringing rich details, ” he explains. It also highlights themes such as antiquity, prehistory, the age of the Vikings and the pirates. Of the current topics, he emphasizes the scenarios about police, firefighters and spaceships.

According to the collector, the Playmobil line is also rich in accessories or accessories that accompany the dolls. “They range from small examples, such as cups, cell phones and handguns, to mediums, such as catapults, boats and cannons, to large items such as houses, castles and ships, as well as almost all known animals, ” he concludes.

Dolls sea

* Via advisory


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