How your name can influence your pocket

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Which letter of the alphabet does your name begin with? If you start with one of the last, that means you were probably also one of the last in the school call, contact lists, passers, and any other alphabetically organized structure.

A Time article by researchers at Georgetowns McDonough School of Business suggests that the way we are categorized in childhood may influence the way we make our decisions in later life.

According to Kurt Carlson, one of the authors of the paper, the mere fact that your name starts with one of the last letters of the alphabet may mean that for years you have been treated unfairly and grown up with the feeling that you could always Miss the turn.

Real Life Implications

According to the study, being last on the list can determine how people behave in situations where they must decide quickly, especially those related to offers and negotiations. These people tend to make hasty decisions for the simple fear of missing the opportunity.

“When these people begin to exercise self-control, they cling to opportunities, which is a strategy that helps them cope with a variety of situations, becoming a natural response over time, ” says Carlson.

Note: The original study was based on the surnames of individuals, as in the United States it is common for people to be called by surname. Because of our culture, we adopted the first name as the basis for the news.