Bizarre black hole behavior intrigues scientists

The creation of the universe and the laws that govern all of existence are issues that do not get us sleepy every day, but it is a fact that we have a great interest in knowing any concrete answers that may quench our uneasiness about the subject. More than anyone else, scientists and astrophysicists are people who are looking for theoretical and even practical ways to find evidence for these earliest questions of humanity.

One of the phenomena that has intrigued the experts the most is the black holes. According to a Yahoo News publication, the European Southern Observatory (ESO) reported last Thursday (20) the discovery of a slightly different black hole than those already known.

The new discovery presents an operation in which part of the dust that circulates the spatial phenomenon (in the “surrounding region”) is repelled in the form of cold winds. Such a situation is practically an anomaly, capable of questioning current current theories of physics and revealing how these regions are capable of evolving and engaging with their own surroundings.

With the help of the VLT telescope of the Southern European Observatory in the Atacama Desert (Chile), a team of scientists was able to make interesting observations. Apparently, the dust surrounding the gigantic black hole in the center of an active galaxy is not alone in such a surrounding area - as might be expected. Instead, part of the same powder is repelled, and can be found above and also below that surrounding part. Confused, no?

But the fact is that this information can actually trigger some changes in the way scientists view physics to this day. Stay tuned!