Check out 15 scary data on plastic pollution

About 8 percent of all oil in the world is used to produce plastic - and estimates show that by 2050, that number is expected to rise to 20 percent.

2 - Almost half of all plastic produced to date in the world was manufactured from the year 2000.

Plastic mountains

(The Guardian)

3 - Half of all plastic produced in the world is manufactured in Asia, of which 29% is made in China, 21% in the rest of Asia, 19% in Europe, 18% in NAFTA member countries. Free Trade), 7% in Africa and the Middle East, 4% in Latin America and the remaining 2% in other nations.

4 - More than 18 billion pounds of discarded plastic in coastal regions will end up in the oceans every year.

5 - That amount would be equivalent to having five bags full of trash every 30 inches of beach around the world.

Plastic polluting beach

(Plastic Pollution Coalition)

About 40% of all plastic produced in the world is used in packaging - and disposed of after one-time use.

7 - Considering the average annual use of plastic bags, while in the USA the proportion is almost one unit per inhabitant per day, in Denmark the use drops to only four bags per person per year.

Plastic bag at sea

(Newshub / Getty Images)

8 - Less than one fifth of all manufactured plastic in the world is recycled. Still, Europe has the highest recycling rates, processing 30% of the material, followed by China, which recycles 25%. The US recycles only 9% of discarded plastic.

9 - Almost one million plastic bottles are sold every minute in the world. Speaking again from the US, in 2015 alone, each American bought 346 units, representing a total of 111 billion bottles.

PET Bottle Mountains

(Los Angeles Times / STR / AFP / Getty Images)

10 - Still on the subject of bottles, in Beijing there are machines that allow the purchase of subway tickets with empty PET bottles.

11 - Thousands of marine animals die each year from swallowing plastic bags that are mistaken for jellyfish.

Trash in the Seas

(National Geographic / Randy Olso)

12. If things continue as they are, within 30 years, the world's oceans will contain more plastic (by weight) than fish.

13 - Recycling each ton of plastic would save 7.5 thousand liters of gasoline.

Trash in rivers and seas

(Boing Boing / DutchScenery / Shutterstock)

14 - In Finland, out of 10 plastic bottles used by the population, 9 is sent for recycling.

15 - Every piece of plastic ever made in the world still exists.


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