Check out the importance of donating blood with these curiosities

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Did you enjoy the curiosities we presented in the video you just watched above? So be sure to check out 15 other interesting blood donation information below:

1 - About 112.5 million units of blood - each unit corresponds to 450 ml of the substance - are donated annually worldwide;

2 - In developed countries, the majority of transfused patients - 79% of the total - are people over 60 years of age and usually when these individuals undergo cardiovascular surgery, organ transplants, major trauma and treatment therapies. of cancer;

3 - In developing and underdeveloped countries, transfusions usually occur to treat pregnancy-related complications, malaria in children with severe anemia and major trauma;

4 - On the profile of donors, surveys conducted in 118 countries indicated that globally 30% of them are women. However, this rate varies greatly when donation numbers are analyzed by nation - since there are places where less than 10% of donated blood comes from females;

5 - Regarding the age of donors, proportionately, donors from developing and underdeveloped countries are predominantly young;

6 - Each donated blood unit can save the lives of up to four patients who need transfusions, such as hemophiliacs, accident victims, cancer patients and women who have had complications during delivery, for example;

7 - This is because donated blood can be separated into several components - such as plasma, red blood cells, platelets and cryoprecipitates - which allows several patients to benefit;

With respect to blood components, red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen to organs and tissues, while platelets are responsible for coagulation - and can help people with leukemia and other diseases. Plasma consists of a mixture of water, salts and proteins that represent about 55% of blood volume, while cryoprecipitates are products prepared from plasma;

9 - Patients with severe anemia or sickle cell anemia may need frequent transfusions to increase blood iron levels, while cancer patients and people undergoing major surgeries may need blood and platelet transfusions to survive;

10 - Of the major blood groups are A, B, AB and O, and they were identified by an Austrian physician and biologist named Karl Landsteiner in 1901;

Still on the four major blood groups, each of them may have the Rh positive and negative factor - the AB positive group being known as the universal recipient, while the negative O is known as the universal donor;

12 - Generally, for every 100 people, four will be from group AB, 10 from group B, 40 will have blood type A, and 46 will be group O;

13 - Blood donation is a safe process that offers no risk to the donor and usually lasts 10-12 minutes.

14 - Before being sent to hospitals, donated blood is tested for various infectious diseases, such as hepatitis B and C, syphilis and the HIV virus;

Remembering that the basic requirements for blood donation are:

  • Weigh at least 50 pounds;
  • Be in good health;
  • Have slept at least 6 hours in the last 24 hours;
  • Have fed;
  • Be between 16 and 69 years old - remembering that minors under 18 need permission to donate;
  • Present original document with recent photo;
  • Respect the minimum interval between donations - 2 months for men and 3 months for women.


Do you know the Ministry of Health campaign “Donate Blood Regularly and Help Those in Need”? It aims to encourage the population to donate blood so that stocks of banks and blood centers around the country are well-stocked throughout the year and thus ensure that thousands of lives are saved.

Donating blood, besides being a simple, safe and fast process, is a gesture of solidarity and love for others. So if you are eligible, be sure to go to your nearest blood bank or blood center and contribute your donation.