Check out Europe's intense airflow in this sensational video

If you were struck by the beauty of the San Francisco International Airport imagery we show here, it's time to see how airflow works in a wider context: in Europe.

From actual data collected between June 21 and July 28, 2013, NATS - one of Europe's leading air traffic control companies - created a video that reveals the intense activity of flights arriving and departing from different capital cities. on the European continent.

The blue lines representing each flight are so numerous that it is even difficult to keep up with everything going on at the same time. Operations - which take place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year - are even more prominent at London's Heathrow and Gatwick airports, which are among the busiest on the continent.

In addition to the video, NATS also released some curiosities about the intense European airflow:

  • On a typical July day, about 30, 000 flights cross European airspace;
  • The total distance traveled by these aircraft is 25 million nautical miles, the equivalent of 998 turns on Earth or 104 trips to the moon;
  • Video images are 1, 440 times faster than actual speed.