Know 10 Dismissable Parts of Your Body

The human body is something impressive. After thousands of years we have adapted, changed and become a nearly perfect survival machine. However, for some mysterious reason, some parts no longer seem to make much sense and yet remain in the body.

Despite the natural changes that happen with aging and the impressive life-giving facts, parts like the male nipple and the appendix are virtually expendable. Here is a list of the 10 most unnecessary.

1. Little finger

Although our monkey ancestors needed all the fingers to hold and sway in the trees, nowadays modern man can manage perfectly with the thumb and help of the other three fingers. A curious fact is that it is very difficult to move only the little finger and not affect the ring.

2. Hair Erector Muscle

In the past, these tiny caps made our ancestors' hair stand upright and give a threatening impression to their enemies - just as cats, dogs, and other mammals do. These days, they only serve to cause chills.

3. Extra Rib

Who has never heard that a famous actress or singer took a rib to get thinner? Apparently, these rumors may even be true. While most people have 12 pairs of ribs, 5% of humans - all chimpanzees and gorillas - have an extra set near their necks.

4. Judgment Tooth

The terror of a lot of people is having to tear out the teeth of judgment. After all, what is an end-of-mouth object largely covered by the cheeks for? Probably to hurt and cause extra expenses with the dentist. The big problem is that not everyone has gum room nowadays to support these teeth.

However, prior to the invention of toothpaste and oral hygiene in general, the judgment teeth served as backups when molars fell.

5. Third Eyelid

Do you know that little pink layer in the corner of your eye? So that's a remnant of what's left of the nictitating membrane - a translucent cloak that is still present in some birds, reptiles, and fish. The function of the third eyelid is to slide back and forth to protect the eye while maintaining visibility.

6. Tonsils

These tissues in the back of the throat are used to filter bacteria and viruses - but they also tend to become infected, and it is quite common to remove them as a child. However, as we get older, they shrink and stop causing problems.

7. Male Nipples

Other than being controversial, male nipples are not much use. In fact, they remain in the body because all fetuses are spawned as girls until the Y chromosome emerges, thus turning some of them into boys. Therefore, nipples in men are but a byproduct of embryonic development.

8. Appendix

Although you may live without it, some recent studies suggest that the appendix is ​​not as useless as previously thought: one of its functions would be to store beneficial bacteria for the body, so as to repopulate the gut if a disease occurs that removes all its protections. .

9. Coccyx

The base of your spine has a set of three to five vertebrae grouped together. Do you know what that means? At some point in evolution, people had a tail! It's hard to believe, but this set of bones was all that was left of our tails.

10. Female vas deferens

To compensate for male nipples, women also have a useless remnant of the embryonic phase: sperm ducts near the ovaries. As the female fetus develops, these channels close.

* Posted on 26/03/2015