Meet the woman who had a brain injury and gained an amazing memory

No one likes to get hit on the head, much less want to risk brain damage from a nice club. However, something extraordinary happened to an American woman who, after suffering a skiing accident, developed a rare syndrome that left her with an exceptional memory.

According to Valerie Siebert of the Daily Mail portal, the American - who chose not to disclose her identity - was skiing with her family when she left the trail she was going down, hit her head and eventually passed out. Despite severe shoulder pain, as the girl did not notice symptoms such as dizziness or nausea, she decided to continue enjoying the snow holidays normally.

New skill

The girl only decided to go to the hospital two days after the fall, finding that, in addition to fracturing her collarbone and dislocating her shoulder, she had suffered a slight concussion. However, shortly after the accident, the woman began to develop an incredibly accurate memory, and found that she could remember the smallest details of all the places she had been.

The girl even realized that she could recreate maps and diagrams of each building and location she had ever visited! According to Valerie, after a series of tests, doctors found that in the accident the American woman suffered a brain injury that led to an extremely rare syndrome known as savantism, of which there are only about 100 cases described in the medical literature.

Sage's Syndrome

Savantism - or sage syndrome, as it is also known - although it can be a congenital problem when acquired, usually arises from head trauma or brain damage. Characteristically, those affected suddenly discover that they have developed remarkable musical, mathematical or artistic skills, for example, and it is very difficult for new talents to fade over time.

According to Valerie, experts are still unable to explain exactly why Savantism develops, especially considering that each case is a case. However, one theory is that the syndrome arises when the right hemisphere of the brain tries to compensate for an injury to the left side.