Know some of the biggest words in the world [video]

Of course you already know that the biggest word in the Portuguese language is Pneumoultramicroscopicossilicovulcanoconiosis - and if you didn't know, you can now try to decorate and go around saying that curse word as if it were super common to you. And if anyone asks what it means, explain that it is a name given to a lung disease.

But and around the world, what are those bizarre words and, better: what are their meanings? We have already spoken here at Mega Curioso about the extinct German word “ rindfleischetikettierungsueberwachungsaufgabenuebertragungsgesetz”, meaning “law that delegates meat labeling monitoring”, ie not only can the word be long enough to be considered strange, but probably means something superb.

The video you will see below has absurd words, with their pronunciations and meanings. Check below what these words are and then tell us what you think about them.

  • Czech Republic - Nejneobhospodarovávatelnejsímu: at least one cultivable.
  • Denmark - Speciallaegepraksisplanaegningsstabiliseringsperiode: Stabilization period for the medical practice of a specialist.
  • Slovenia - Otorinolaringologija: Same as our otorhinolaryngology.
  • Netherlands - Kindercarnavalsoptochtvoorbereidingswerkzaamheden: Preparing for a children's carnival parade.
  • Turkey - Afyonkarahisarlilastiramadiklarimizdanmissinizcasina: To talk about people who don't seem to be from the city of Afyonkarahisar.
  • Ireland (Gaelic) - Frithdíbhunaíochtachóireach: Term created in the nineteenth century to represent the change from “Anglican Church” to “Church” only in England, Ireland, and Wales.
  • Poland - Konstantynopolitanczykiewiczówna: Last name of daughter of a man from Constantinople.
  • Hungary - Megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedéseitekér: Used to describe the behavior of those who cannot be ignored.
  • English - Antidisestablishmentarianistical: Same meaning of Irish Gaelic word.
  • French - Anticonstitutionellement: anticonstitutionalissimo.
  • Italian - Precipitevolissimevolamente: To describe someone who acts hastily.
  • Spanish - Sternocleidomastoid: Muscle in the neck region.
  • Bulgaria - Neprotivokonstitutsionstvuvatelstvuvayte: A warning not to act against what is stated in the Constitution.
  • Portugal - Unconstitutional extremely: Same meaning of the word used in Brazil.
  • Sweden - Sparvagnsaktiebolagsskensmutsskjutarefackforeningspersonalbekladnad: The provision of uniforms for workers cleaning railway tracks.