Meet the 1st LGBT military group formed to confront the Islamic State

In June 2016, the world received in shock the news that an Islamic State shooter had broken into an LGBT nightclub in Orlando, USA, and left a trail of 49 dead and 53. This was one of the bloodiest attacks on the gay community. made by the Islamic terrorist group, which has already claimed numerous casualties in the Middle East, especially Syria.

Islamic State radicals often play gay, lesbian, and transgender people from the top of a building in front of a crowd watching the extermination. Now an international military group and LGBT have been formed to fight these attacks. And the name could not be more propitious: Queer Insurrection and Liberation Army (TQILA).

The initiative came from the anarchist group International Revolutionary People's Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF), which fights against jihadist indoctrination of the Islamic State and tries to implant its own ideologies. They try to “crush the gender binomial and promote the female revolution, ” according to their Twitter profile.

LGBT Army announced on Twitter

In an interview with Newsweek, spokesman Heval Rojhilat prefers not to disclose how many people are part of the IRPGF and how many make up the first self-declared LGBT army. According to Rojhilat, this group met after "watching in horror as fascist and extremist forces around the world attacked the queer community." Terrorists often refer to gays and lesbians as “sick” and “unnatural”.

It is not yet known, however, where the LGBT unit of this anarchist group is, only that it would be "deeply embedded in the war." In addition to criticizing the position of the Islamic State, IRPGF personnel say many ultra-conservative Christians also attack the LGBT community. Would it be a warning?

"These 'queues' kill fascists, " says band from LGBT group