Meet the chocolate teapot that promises to make your coffee even tastier

Are you one of those people who can't exist without having a good cup of coffee? If so, you'll be amazed at the tempting creation of Firebox, which promises to get you off the diet and toast your gluttony with the tastiest chocolate there is!

It's a whole pot made of dark chocolate with 58% cocoa! By pouring coffee or boiling water into the container, you instantly create a tasty hot chocolate.

This real attack on our weight loss plans, which goes by the name of Chocolate Teapot, fortunately can only be consumed once - which almost sounds like an incentive to give in to the charms of this temptation without any guilt!

To purchase this artwork that boasts 600 grams of pure chocolate, you need to shell out £ 24.99, and orders must be placed through the company's website.

Would you drink coffee from a chocolate teapot or eat the whole teapot? Comment on the Mega Curious Forum!